You've found my archive. Enjoy reading my old posts.
Grafana Authentication
How to authenticate with Grafana using a custom OAuth provider.
Unit Testing Reducers
Ensure the reducer returns a valid initial state. Test actions together with their handlers and set these tests up with factory functions. For each action test how it modifies the reducer with initial as well as with populated state. Test selectors in conjunction with the root reducer. Set up selector tests by reducing over actions.
End-to-End Testing Amplify Apps
Do what you always do and use Amplify's helper methods for setup and teardown.
Setting Up a Project with CI/CD Using Amplify
Use Husky and the Amplify console.
Multiple Environments with AWS Amplify
Treat the environments like Git.
Testing Lambda Functions (feat. AWS Amplify)
Isolate logic, then use RITEway for unit tests and Supertest for integration tests.
Testing Lambda Functions (feat. AWS Amplify)
Isolate logic, then use RITEway for unit tests and Supertest for integration tests.
Arrow Functions
Arrow functions are implicitly returning function expressions without `this`.
Conditional Rendering
|| and && (often) don't return booleans. You need to learn about the operand selector operators, which return either their left or right argument to understand conditional rendering in React.
How To Use AWS AppSync in Lambda Functions
Execute queries and mutations by using the correct execution policy and polyfills.
How To Use AWS AppSync in Lambda Functions
Execute queries and mutations by using the correct execution policy and polyfills.
Query More Items Using Scans in AWS Amplify
Use custom resolvers to create a Scan operation.
Sorting Queries with AWS Amplify's Key Directive
Sort GraphQL queries with custom index structures.
Localization with AWS Amplify
Use Amplify's I18n module to translate your app.
Tracking and Reminders in AWS Amplify
Understand with Analytics and engage with AWS Pinpoint.
Updater Functions in React's setState
Once you learn this, you'll understand setState better.
Creating GraphQL Batch Operations for AWS Amplify
Use custom resolvers for bulk procedures in AWS Amplify.
Email-Only Sign Up with AWS Amplify
Learn how to implement a simple email-only sign up process using AWS Amplify in your React Native application.
Using TypeScript with React Native
Learn how to set up and use TypeScript in your React Native projects for improved code quality and developer experience.
How to Add a Badge to Icons in React Native
A higher-order component will do the job.